Dr. Du is from the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, China, where he focuses on conservation strategies and practices for rare and endangered fish species in China’s Yangtze River. These include Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis, Dabry’s sturgeon A. dabryanus and Sichuan taimen Hucho bleekeri. He aims to develop conservation strategies for wild populations by 1) modeling the dynamic aquatic environment to determine key ecological habitatbased on the life histories of fish species. He also seeks to enrich the culturing environment by 2) using the biological, ethological, sensorial and physical-ecological fitness of fish in conservation aquaculture to build up sustainable captive populations.
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Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences
Tel/Fax: +86 (027) 81780125
Website: www.sturgeonchina.org